A Different World

What If Freud Had Never Changed His Mind?

Would We Think Differently if Freud Had Never Changed His Mind?

Traditionally, Hypnosis is often the ‘last desperate attempt’ to get help, rather than the first ‘go to’ treatment. As a Hypnotherapist treating clients, we see first-hand how effective Hypnosis is. 

Often clients have sought multiple different solutions with little or no success. They eventually find their way to Hypnotherapy because they feel they have tried everything else. “I wish I’d come here first,” is a common parting comment as clients finish their treatment for addiction, anxiety or trauma. They are delighted that they are now free of the challenge they sought help to overcome.

Many people theorise that Sigmund Freud’s influence saw a long-lasting decline in Hypnosis’s popularity as a treatment. 

Even though in his early years as a physician, Freud predominantly used therapeutic Hypnosis to treat his patients. He was known to avoid Hypnosis during the latter part of his career. He subsequently focused on psychoanalysis and became a founding father in this field. Considering his influence in the advancement of psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry, imagine what a different world we would have today if he had pursued Hypnosis and the practice of clinical Hypnotherapy? Due mainly to his influence and the reuptake of Hypnosis as stage entertainment, it meant its therapeutic popularity maintains a stigma for some people, even today. 

1Dr. William S. Kroger, author of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, writes about Freudian Theory: 

“Current research in Hypnosis does not substantiate a single reason for Freud’s avoidance of Hypnosis. Since scientific Hypnosis was in its infancy during Freud’s time.”

Dr. Kroger goes on to mention that you can’t blame Freud for his negative attitude, but Freud’s successors shouldn’t now continue to refer to this embryonic period in Hypnosis’s historical development.

Kroger writes that Freud spoke in an article about psychoanalysis’s poor results shorlty before his death. In fact, his loyal followers rarely mention Freud’s thoughts on this.

Indeed, there are a lot of and misconceptions surrounding Hypnosis. When people come and see me, they are often skeptical. They may find it challenging to comprehend that I’ll break their unwanted habit or help them overcome their phobia when they have been battling it for years. 

They may fear losing control or that I’m going to control their minds. Hypnotherapy or healing at the unconscious level is the oldest and most fundamental therapy available to humankind. 

It is safe, healthy, and also an enjoyable experience. 

Most ancient cultures used some form of Hypnosis. In ancient Greece, they used sleep temples. They would maintain a person in a trance state for up to 3 days while a priest would use suggestions to help cure their illness.

There is evidence that ancient Egyptians used Hypnosis, for both medical and religious purposes. Ancient texts from India have passing references to Hypnosis and the power of suggestion.

In modern times we have progressed a long way from the infancy of Freud’s knowledge of the science behind Hypnosis. Scientific evidence for the use of Hypnosis is plentiful. We now have so much study, research, and growth in the field. With more understanding and methods developed over the past 100 years, many more people are discovering the value and power of Hypnosis. It is beginning to receive the positive recognition it deserves.

Juanita Smith x

Author and Clinical Hypnotherapist 

Her book: Is It a Habit or Is It an Addiction?

The Step by Step System to Take Back Control and Gain Freedom



Juanita Smith is a clinical hypnotherapist and author. She specialises in helping people conquer debilitating habits and addictions. Juanita operates three busy hypnotherapy clinics in Sydney, Australia specialising in addiction and trauma. Her passion and compassion for helping clients achieve freedom is inspired by personal experience of generational addiction. Juanita has personally helped thousands of clients with her proven techniques. She is an author and Fast Track Hypnotherapy trainer for the Sydney-based Academy of Therapeutic Hypnosis. She is passionate about how powerful hypnosis is to overcome addiction and trauma.

1Kroger, W. S. (1977). Clinical and experimental hypnosis: in medicine, dentistry, and psychology. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.

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